Fresh flowers delivered by Clare Florist.
The Festive Christmas Rosmeria Bouquet
Ho, ho, ho! If it's Christmas flowers you need, then look no further than our Christmas Rosmeria. This jolly Christmas bouquet makes a wonderfully thoughtful gift for someone you love. A vibrant selection of red roses and bright alstroemeria, we've also tastefully accessorised this bouquet with golden pine cone Christmas decorations, making it not only beautiful, but festive too. Order Christmas Rosmeria bouquet for delivery to your friends across the UK. When a card just isn't enough, nothing says 'thinking of you' like a wonderful Christmas floral arrangement.
And if you just can't get enough of the winning combination of roses and alstroemeria, take a pleasant stroll through the other bouquets in our Rosmeria range! We've got Rosemeria Peach, Rosmeria White and Cerise Rosmeria bouquets to choose from, all with beautiful rose and alstroemeria arrangements.
When you send your loved ones flowers this Christmas, why not liven up the gift with some of our great optional extras. Make this present into a Christmas extravaganza! Include a teddy bear to truly personalise this gift? Or you can add in a handwritten card, so that you can choose a message to be delivered with your flowers? You could even write a poem! We offer free next day delivery, and we deliver to ANY location in the UK, with a 100% Guarantee that your flowers will turn up looking just wonderful.